Dean, thank you for your very respectful and helpful response. Indeed, I am guilty at times of stereotyping a whole tribe of people. Such behavior is always wrong.
I have already been appropriately rebuked by an evangelical Brother from England. Accordingly, I now try in my language to delineate “American evangelicals.” Regarding American evangelicals, I now am trying to additionally add a quantity qualifier (e.g., I now use the phrase “many/some American evangelicals”). Often as writers we do not have research data on every tribe and demographic. So, we are left with making a judgment call regarding the quantity (e.g., few, some, many).
For the record, I never used the phrase “many Evangelicals have ‘deconstructed’.” Rather, my phrase was “a body of people.”
The bottom line: I am truly sorry if I overgeneralized evangelicals. They deserve dignity and my respect. I will, thus, be even more diligent in watching the language that I use, regarding any particular tribe. Thank you for providing me such motivation and intentionality.