Great response, David. Thanks so much!
"Sola Scriptura" says that scripture alone is the source of truth. "Solus Jesus" says that Jesus is the source of truth.
Yes, it is true that we learn about Jesus via the scriptures. But not all scriptures are true (e.g., some scriptures are no longer relevant to us today, due to context. And some scriptures have debatable meaning).
As for Jesus saying "you who are evil," I don't know if Jesus was referring to the "you" as all of humankind -- or perhaps the audience whom He was addressing.
I agree -- sometimes we "pick and choose" which scriptures seem to be relevant for today. For example, "Spare the rod and spoil the child." No parent ought to endorse beating their child with a rod.
I do like your "Solus love your neighbor." That comes very close to my operational goal of "Love others like Jesus loves you."
Thanks for sharing such excellent thoughts. A pleasure chatting with you.