Hi Alex. Thanks so much for responding to the article that I wrote for your behalf. I appreciate your kind compliment about the article. I have never felt attacked by you; rather, I am enjoying our relationship. Yep, I deeply love Jesus!

I share your wonderment over all the vitriol over one people group. I hope the pastor you referred to will be able to embrace how much Jesus loves him — even as a gay man. It is somewhat common for very religious traditionalist Christians who have same-sex attraction themselves, to loathe their condition. Thus they strike out against gayness as a psychological vehicle for “denying” their own sexual condition. Yep, even gay pastors can be homophobic about their attraction! lol

Thanks again, Alex, for your very uplifting words!

Mike Rosebush, PhD
Mike Rosebush, PhD

Written by Mike Rosebush, PhD

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager

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