Hi David. It is always a privilege to chat with you. Thanks for being so respectful in sharing your beliefs.
I do not agree with some of your beliefs. Respectfully, here is the primary cause of our differences. You hold an Evangelical worldview (Sola Scriptura), while I hold an Exvangelical worldview (Solus Jesus).
1. I agree with your "adopted child of God" statement, but personally would have said "fully loved by Jesus." My core identity with Jesus does not mean that I cannot speak honestly about my sexual identity (i.e., gay). The phrase "gay Christian" simply means what it says: people who identify with having same-sex attraction, plus align with Jesus. If I said "American Christians" it would likewise mean people who legally are Americans and who align with Jesus.
2. I do not believe in people being born with a depraved nature. Rather, I believe humans are born in the image of God.
3. I believe every person who aligns with Jesus is fully forgiven for all past, present, and future sins.
4. We already know what primarily pleases Jesus: loving others in His way. All commands are subordinate to Jesus's final, all-encompassing command.
Despite our differences on minor theological issues, we both align with Jesus -- and therefore aim to treat all people with Jesus's kind of love. All other theology is "small potatoes."