Hi Mitch. Thanks for reading the article, plus your excellent suggestions. While you and I may differ on what constitutes as "loving," we share the same zeal to confront racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other bigotries.
However, we apparently differ regarding how to respond to someone who does not share your voting preference. Voters have a right to vote for whomever they choose -- that includes you, me, and the Walmart man. There's no need to confront someone who disagrees with your political candidate. That is a much different situation than standing against racism, homophobia, etc.
I acknowledge that I used the wrong word ("senile") in describing President Biben. However, I am concerned over whether he has the mental acuity and energy to guide America for the next 4 years. That said, I'll probably still vote for him -- as I believe Democrats share my ideals more than Republicans.
Again, thanks for your feedback. It was constructive and helpful to me.