Is Homosexuality a Sin?

That depends upon one’s definition of “homosexuality” and “sin”

Mike Rosebush, PhD
4 min readMar 13, 2023
Image purchased via iStock

Many conservative Evangelicals believe that homosexuality is obviously a sin — and they are quick to say so. They will quote five “clobber passages” as their evidence.

This article dives into clear definitions of homosexuality and sin.


Homosexuality can be viewed as a sexual orientation/attraction, a homoerotic behavior, and a sexual identity.

Sexual Orientation. Orientation is the automatic and involuntary direction in which a person is romantically and erotically attracted. If a man has a virtually exclusive attraction to men, he is said to have a homosexual orientation. A man with an almost exclusive attraction to women possesses a heterosexual orientation. A man with attractions to multiple men and women is known as a bisexual. And someone who is not homoromatically or homoerotically attracted to either sex has an asexual orientation.

Homoerotic Behavior. Such behavior can either be foreplay or anal intercourse. “Foreplay” generally refers to a person physically touching someone of the same sex to produce sexual arousal. Sexual arousal for the man begins with an erection and may culminate in an ejaculation. Common examples of foreplay between men include kissing, sensual touching of the genitals (e.g., masturbation), and fellatio. Anal intercourse is generally considered the ultimate homoerotic behavior between two males (just as vaginal intercourse reigns supreme in heterosexual eroticism).

Sexual Identity. This identity refers to the person’s self-concept of their sexuality. Every person has a right to declare whatever sexual identity they prefer. Likewise, no other person may claim a sexual identity for another person. For example, some men with a homosexual orientation may refer to themselves as a “homosexual.” Others prefer the action phrase “I have same-sex attraction.” And, of course, some people refer to themselves as the more universal term “gay.” It is improper to tell someone that he cannot call himself gay.

To be clear, the word “gay” does not refer to one’s homoerotic behavior. “Gay” means “I have a predominate and involuntary attraction to certain men.” Homoerotic behavior, however, does not make someone gay. For example, many straight men throughout history have engaged in homoerotic behavior — yet they do not declare themselves gay. The following article may be very informative for you.


Definition. Sin is defined as “missing the mark.” And Jesus has informed us in the bible that “the mark” is to love others as He did. Such love is “other-centered.” For example, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.” Jesus’s love immediately involved compassion for the marginalized, followed by merciful acts of kindness.

Unfortunately, all-too-many people lament over their errors. Such behavior causes them to feel ashamed of themselves. Jesus does not want people to wallow in their sins. Rather, Jesus wants everyone to return to loving all others in His way. For a more thorough explanation, please read the article below.

Sexual sins are not the most egregious error. Rather, failing to provide love is the most important sin to focus on.

What Sexual Activity Did Jesus Condemn

Throughout the bible, Jesus is only cited as condemning two sins that were sexual: “adultery” and “sexual immorality.” Adultery means 1) having intercourse with another person’s spouse; and 2) a married person having intercourse with someone other than their spouse. Sexual immorality — for the context in which it was written — refers to having intercourse with a prostitute. Please read the following article to become more informed.

What Can We Conclude About Whether Homosexuality is a Sin?

· It is not a sin to have a homosexual orientation. Rather, this is a reflexive, enduring attraction that cannot be extinguished.

· Jesus does not declare homosexual behavior to be a sin. Rather, he said engaging in adultery and prostitution are sins (i.e., the same sins that Jesus declared toward straight people). Thus, a gay man who has anal intercourse with a spouse’s husband is a sin. Likewise, it is a sin for a gay married man to have intercourse with anyone other than his spouse. Furthermore, it is a sin for a gay man to have sex with a prostitute.

· It is not a sin to declare your sexual identity “gay.” Some Evangelical denominations enact a “Don’t Say Gay” rule — and have expelled church members who do so.

Gays have long endured false charges from their church and denomination. Why does this abuse continue? Simply because people are underinformed about gayness. And how can these people become more informed? Here is a link to articles that may help.

It is not a sin to be underinformed.

It is a sin to withhold dignity, fairness, and love from anyone.

Dr. Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his;) is the creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. He may be contacted at



Mike Rosebush, PhD

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager